Lauren DeLeary

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Christian Feminist - what!

I wanted to first say thank you so much to Mesa Mendoza of The Human Podcast for having me on as her first interviewee for her podcast. It was the first time I spoke openly about some of these hard topics for me. I hope you find our conversations intriguing. Would love to have you as part of the conversation. Please, comment below with anything further you'd like to mention or talk about regarding any of these topics. Down below, I will link her podcast where you can choose to listen to our conversation and also I will link my video version. So however you like to absorb information - I have all the options for you. Enjoy!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.

I was born in Tampa, Florida but shortly after I was born — my parents moved to NC. I have one older brother, and two younger siblings. I grew up in a Christian household, and we were always very involved in church. I also have Canadian citizenship due to my Native heritage - Chippewa of the Thames First Nation, I am from the Loon clan. My father is Native American and Mexican and my mother is white, probably mostly French. I moved to Nashville when I was 16, where I attended Belmont University. I graduated with my Bachelor of music in 2014 and took off on tour for nearly 3.5 years. I am a creator, and for years — my main source of creativity was focused on music — specifically, my Christian music project with my sister. We recently won the Juno award for Best Christian Album of the year. However, over this last year — my life has really opened me up to more creative outlets. My own solo music, growing my social media presence on several platforms including my youtube channel. I create art through my writing, I draw and I paint. There really isn’t anything in the arts I would say no to. I am married to my best friend in the whole world, we live in Nashville, and we are raising a wild little fur-child named Patchouli. For anyone wondering - I am an INTJ, Enneagram 3, Virgo.

You’re a Christian musician, is this something you’ve always wanted to do?

It was my dream from a very young age until 14 - then I found musical theatre. I grew up singing in church bands and choir. Then for about 2 years - I was taking musical theatre very seriously. I trained most every day of the week and was in a handful of musicals. I almost went to Pace University in NY to study Musical Theatre - but that is a story for another day. From age 16 - 18 my sister and I did “mainstream” music together — but we kept running in Christian music circles and felt pulled to change directions and to do overtly Christian music. We’ve done this up until the present… but it has honestly been a tough road. The Christian Industry and the church can be quite unforgiving — even though that contradicts who Jesus is. So I would say - I have almost always wanted to do Christian music, up until recently. I still love Jesus and love worshiping him, but if I had to do it all over again — I might have not chosen the Christian Industry. Thats probably not what you were expecting to hear… but, it’s just honest.

The whole idea behind this podcast is to bring awareness to different groups of people, religion can be a touchy subject for some, do you ever feel like you have to hide your faith?

Hmmm… I am never afraid to admit I love Jesus and that He is my Lord and savior. However, there are times I am nervous to claim Christianity. I am more than comfortable with people knowing what I believe in — but I don’t want to be associated with small minded, judgmental humans — which, unfortunately, Christians can often be. Again - that’s not Jesus. That is imperfect people, living out of fear based living. I want people to know I love them and embrace them no matter who they are or what they believe in. That’s who Jesus is and that’s who I aspire to be like. The other scenario where I might be tempted to “hide my faith” is actually around other Christians… because sometimes when other Christians know you are Christian - it, in a totally not justifiable way, becomes seemingly more appropriate to judge you. I don’t really fit in any box. I used to try so hard to fit in one. But - I just don’t. I am not the perfect example of a Christian - nobody but Jesus is. So, yeah - Again - I am very open about my faith and what I believe, but sometimes being labeled a Christian is a hard microscope to live under.

You recently did a video on your YouTube channel answering assumptions from your viewers, and someone said you had slipped in your faith. Is there a lot of expectation to live a certain way as a Christian?

Uh yeah — a LOT. Not only as a Christian… but for the majority of my life, my identity was being a Christian music artist. That comes with an even bigger microscope. The things that have been said to my face by other Christians…. Would probably blow your mind. Obviously - there are so many amazing people. - So many amazing Christians. I am blessed to be a part of the family of Christ as we call it. But there are also a LOT of bad eggs as well. Haha.

A lot of people who are not religious tend to believe that those who follow some form of religion are judgmental, what is your response to that?

It literally makes me so sad. It breaks my heart. I can really only speak from my perspective… Being a Christian woman and say that Christians who judge are most likely living under fear based living and are not looking at the heart of Jesus. For ages, people preach on a single verse instead of looking at the whole picture, much less the heart of Jesus. The whole freaking Bible talks about love and to FEAR NOT. Thats all judging is… when you get the bottom of it. Fear. Fear of what’s different. Fear of it challenging you and your belief system.

What is the one thing you hear often as a Christian that bothers you?

Umm…. Well, there is a topic. Can I say a topic? Purity culture… and the church’s obsession with sex. Literally, this topic drives so many Christians and non-Christians away from the heart of Jesus when it’s really only mentioned in the Bible like 6 times… and those verses are not even the clearest of verses. I believe Jesus is a feminist. WHAT. Blasphemy. No, but really. I do. And I think he would be or is repulsed by the damage we have done as christian culture when we turn our brothers and sisters away from learning and leaning into who Jesus is. That’s a huge topic I could get into. But I’ll just leave it there.

What is your favorite thing about being Christian?

Jesus. Hands down - He is why I am a “christian”. That’s it. Thats the whole point. He came to this earth, He died and rose again. As a Christian, I believe I have eternal life in heaven with Jesus after this life. So I have that assurance. But also, another core belief is that it is more than just a religious belief…. But a personal relationship that I get to have with the God of the universe. And I think that’s pretty dang special. That I don’t have to wait until the afterlife to experience communication and a direct line relationship with God.

If you could share one thing with thing with the Christian community what would you say?

DO NOT FEAR. Do not fear your intuition that God gave you. DO NOT FEAR different beliefs. DO NOT FEAR BEING WRONG. This is huge. Christians are soooo scared to be wrong about anything. And it shuts us down — spiritually, emotionally, mentally and creatively. Trust me — I learned it the hard way. DO NOT FEAR for other people. Love people. And remember that God loves them even more. Do not shut out anyone from the family of Jesus. Do not shut people out. Look at Jesus. Do not fear. But love. I could go on — but I think thats all I got for now.

If you could say something to a non-believer what would you say?

I love you. You may not believe in God and that doesn’t change my love for you. It also does not change the fact that I believe that God loves you too. You may not believe he exists — or maybe you do. I also want to say that you are welcome to ask questions. You are welcome to be curious. You are accepted for who you are. I will never shut you out. And neither will the God that I so strongly love and believe in. You are loved.

Click here to listen to The #Human Podcast.