Do We Just Start Over? - quarantine thoughts

Mornings have been my favorite in quarantine. And they last until 1pm like they properly should EVERY day. And I am not gonna lie — my introvert self is loving never leaving my bed but enjoying the finer things in life with endless coffee & 0 pairs of pants. I have watched church from my bed and “live concerts” by The Japanese House from my couch. I am personally enjoying this downtime… but look. Rona looks different on everybody. Some people are getting shit done. Some people are panicking thinking they need to get shit done & some people are happy to finally take no shit. Lol. Idk what that means. Just felt I needed 💩 in there one more time. But like — work out if u want. Also don’t work out if you don’t. YOU DON’T HAVE TO COME OUT OF QUARANTINE WITH ALL YOUR HOPES & DREAMS COME TRUE. It is a pandemic for crying out loud. But also — if you’re killing it and proud of yourself - that’s also AMAZING. I’m just trying to make all other confused, panicked or just lazy ass people feel a little better okurrr!!??

No matter how you are feeling… don’t forget to play. Having child like faith isn’t just for religion. Now is a great time to release the inner child. Dancing with the wind, capturing moments, listening to the birds, writing... have all been some of my favorite childhood things. Liberate yourself. Let go of your ego. Identity is pretty much a made up concept anyway. 

I don’t know about you, but I picked three words for 2020 at New Year. Mine was: grounding, flourishing, confidence... and in my relationships (friendships, family, businesses, etc) - I wanted to feel pursued. It is interesting to think about… Are these relevant now? When all this is said and done… does the year start back over? Or do we just try to pick up the pieces? Is there still a chance for my “words” of the year to have meaning or should I move on? I think, perhaps we won’t know until this all is really said and done. What do you think?




Am I Just Looking For Attention? Purity Culture talks