Lauren DeLeary

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Energy Goes Where Energy Flows

You may have heard that comparison is the thief of joy… but I think its scarcity. Think about it… anytime that you see someone who has something that you want or desire that you don’t have…. You wouldn’t feel so awful if you believed it could happen for you. And although I know this isn’t applicable to absolutely everything, I think it’s more common than we realize. If we knew that we could earn $100,000 dollars like Becky down the street… seeing her success wouldn’t make us feel so rotten. If we really believed that the same amazing opportunities that were always coming to our cousin, Ben were also coming for us… that there was enough to go around for everybody - then we wouldn’t feel so bad. There’s more than enough creativity and opportunities to go around to them, to me and to you.

One of my greatest practices of healing my scarcity mindset and channeling abundance in my life is to sit with FOMO and uncover it’s truth. I ask myself what am I REALLY fearing? Is it missing out? Or do I subconsciously think this was the one and only chance to get a drink with a friend, watch that movie, try out that food, meet that person… Energy goes where energy flows. And scarcity stops everything in its tracks. Scarcity says to life, success, joy, opportunities, adventure, freedom, creativity, “Don’t flow here. My hands are too shaky to hold you and I wouldn’t believe you even if you fell in my lap”.

When we become so consumed by opportunities we may be missing… our energy doesn’t stay with us. Our mind races; we are no longer present and cannot appreciate the moment we are in. Our energy goes towards lack and tries so hard to be somewhere else but it can’t penetrate through. Our energy Is sticky and stagnant. Have you ever been so concerned with what you don’t have or where you are not… that the whole time you are just kicking sand, twiddling your thumbs, angry at nothing…. That even though you weren’t physically in active motion, you felt exhausted as if you were? That’s because you you didn’t call your energy back in. Being present, knowing that your time is coming and staying in alignment with what makes you say HELL YES…. is your best way at chipping away at the scarcity mindset that creeps in.