Lauren DeLeary

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going back to “normal”

So… “going back to normal soon”... I for one am NOT the same after this quarantine. I personally feel like I’m coming out of this a better version of myself, but that’s not because this was easy... there were parts that hurt like hell. There were tears & and anxiety, but there were also victories & revelations... and this is just my personal experience. If all of this was actually just a nightmare... you’re not alone. Or if this was a breeze for you — congrats! I’ve learned a LOT about myself during all this. There’s pieces of this pandemic that will be with ALL of us for the rest of our lives... I personally wish our tax dollars went to paying for at least 2 months of therapy after this, but hey... dream on, dreamer. Right?

I have gone back and forth during this pandemic whether or not I wanted to focus on being productive or allowing myself to just be and feel the weight that comes during this time. Of course, I allowed both. Gave myself permission to ebb and flow what felt natural to me. But this is all coming to an end at some point… and most likely (fingers crossed), sometime soon. So, I am trying to prepare myself for the “real world”. Where jobs, schedules, timelines and pressure is all back on. However, being a creative (ahem I also blame my Pisces rising)... keeping myself on a schedule is SO hard. Especially because I’m not a morning person. So, “working” is not a “thing” until after noon. Then my virgo sun / Capricorn moon self screams “oh my god do something with your life”. So, I scramble all my creativity / productivity into a few hours…. Until I see 5pm & a beautiful sunset — so then it’s playtime again. ANYONE ELSE?? Tell me your secrets. Help me plan my life. Just kidding... it’s not that serious. As the world is STILL figuring itself out… I am trying to find the balance between preparation and not rushing things. Although, I can’t lie… I’m so excited for porch hangs & dog parks. Little by little… the world will open back up. Take some breaths, be safe & look for the magic.