Lauren DeLeary

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Stepping Into Your POWER

Have you ever considered the word: autonomy?

I really don’t think there’s anything much more precious than (by google’s definition) “the capacity of an agent to act in accordance with objective morality rather than under the influence of desires.” Having a sense of ownership & responsibility for ourselves & the world we live in is priceless. We need to press into curiosity & lean into our own God/Divine/Ancestral given intuition. Unapologetically embracing our inherent GOODNESS (not wretchedness like so many of us were taught) & wholeness in mind, body and soul. Knowing that liberation doesn’t just free individuals, but to all the world around us. I want to live in a world where kindness & inclusivity extend beyond the heart and into action —where we embody the power we each possess.

I don’t do much Bible reading these days... but my favorite verse is still 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God did not give us a spirit of fear; but a spirit of POWER, love & self-discipline” [in which I interpret as ‘self-intuition / responsibility of self’]. (Translation - me.) We can’t live in fear. But instead we must live out our POWER & LOVE... and take responsibility with our ACTIONS.

I think one of the ways to incorporate that POWER is knowing & embracing your worth. For example, “The industry” (& society) taught me to find my best angles... which in turn, caused me to find my worst angles. Photographers would ask “what’s your best side?” & naively I would reply, “my right” because I thought they were asking which hand was more dominant. For the longest time - I honestly didn’t know what my best angle was. So, I stared at myself... picked myself apart... looked for what people seemed to like the most... and as I age... which side of my face looks younger or more proportionate. I’ll tell you the truth - I genuinely don’t see that sort of thing right away or sometimes ever. Details are not my speciality. Ask my husband or really anyone close to me. I’m not the gal for the job when you’re asking if the shelving is aligned or if the painting is hung straight... I just don’t know. So, staring at angles of myself trying to find which parts of me other people seemed to like more was so unnatural for me. One of my favorite parts of summer is being clothed as little as possible. I like it for me. And I like it for other people too. I’ve always loved bodies. I’ve always loved seeing people in their most raw forms. I genuinely find ‘blemishes’, stretch marks, cellulite, thin, thick, skinny, fat, wild hair, flat hair, acne, wrinkles, WHATEVER - all beautiful. I really do. I always have. So being told to pick myself apart was not only unnatural for me... but difficult. But like anything else — once you see something, you can’t unsee. It sucks. And I hate it. I genuinely love myself but there are days that I don’t as much as I wish I did. Like all of us. So, I recently have been choosing to take photos on my “worse” side because really, I like that side too.

A second way of embracing that divine given power is by setting boundaries. Just because something or someone or a doctrine or a theology or a practice was part of your past, doesn’t immediately grant them (or it) the right to any of your future. We live in a very “I owe you” mentality — whether we realize it or not. Handing out our energy as if it’s not sacred; not creating boundaries as if it’s not critical to our survival. And if we are not careful, we may unconsciously live as if we “owe” people/things our souls... allowing our “gratefulness” (ie — fear) of them to dictate our choices. Keeping ourselves locked within, not trusting ourselves (or god within), not believing our own experiences, but instead — looking to others to validate or approve of our existence. Be aware of to who or what you are “grateful” for & why. If we aren’t careful — our own “I owe you” mindset can keep us trapped in a merry-go-round of unworthiness & un-wholeness.

The third way of embracing your power is to take up space. There is enough room for you. More than enough. You are worthy to love & be loved. Your story & experiences matter. Speak your truth. Chase the things that light you up. If the systems or relationships you are in or the friendships you have require your brokenness for them to function — get out. You deserve a whole life. If most your decisions are based off of what your community (religion, friendships, social media, etc) might think of you or if they are based out of the fear that they will leave you or that you will be exiled — is that really the community you need? Is that really the system in which you thrive or want? Take up space in this world, loves. Life is better when you’re living it.

Speaking of taking up space - I did want to inform you of something that has happened. On July 3rd, 2020 Indigenous People and allies were arrested in the process of defending their sacred lands in the Black Hills. Acts of courage and civil disobedience resulted in arrests and criminal charges. They were protesting the desecration of sacred lands that were stolen from their people. If you celebrated the 4th in ANY way — please, click this link to donate to their bail.

Considering the state of this country — my 4th wasn’t so cheery. So, on the 5th, I chose rest as resistance. 2020 has a way of shining a light on everybody & everything, doesn’t it? I’ve received messages from folx that really really don’t like me challenging their version of America’s history. It’s ridiculous & hurtful. I’ve taken advantage of the “block” button a lot the past weeks or so. And that is a boundary I have set in place for myself.

I digress - I do hope you are finding ways to embody the power & love you were born with. Remember that you are worthy of taking up space. Be a kind human & live out your truth. xo