Lauren DeLeary

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Although I receive far more inspiring & uplifting messages than accusatory & negative ones... they still show. And you know who they come from? Christians. And you know how most of them start? “Well, you say you’re a Christian, but...," or “I’m only saying this because you’re a Christian,".... And it’s followed by criticism, blame, reprimand, belittling in the name of Jesus, God, the Bible, Christianity, the church, or “accountability.” So, for those who somehow feel a moral obligation or responsibility to “keep me in line / away from danger”.... I would like to take your “love/concern (fear)” for me & say... please, consider me “un-christian-ed”. It’s okay. Jesus will understand. We good. Although you may have been taught differently... my relationship with the divine is none of your business. I’d rather you accept that if you’re right & I am wrong — that I’m “going to hell”. I’d rather you stop trying to “save me from the darkness or even from myself...”. Just take me off the list of people that you need to keep on the straight and narrow. I am doing just fine. 

In Christianity, we are typically taught to be scared of the world. However, now that I am grown - I realize how much of my life I have actually been scared of the religious. Feeling fearful of my own humanity, questioning my own sanity, and closing off my intuition. I was taught to reject my feelings; believing my heart would lead me astray. I learned I couldn’t trust myself, God, Holy Spirit within me…. but only the voice of God through someone else. Usually, an older white man on a pulpit. How convenient then for Corporate Christianity to keep everyone assimilated… moving through life as robots, never experiencing the fullness of their GOD BREATHED spirituality. 

Not anymore though… I won’t let another person’s fear of the unknown stop me from pursuing a full life of mystery, wonder and magic. And I hope you won’t either.